Turn On the Lights
As a high school history teacher, it was of utmost importance to me that my students understood what I was talking about. Sometimes, presenting a clear picture of certain aspects – like culture – from a time long ago and in a completely different part of the world wasn’t always an easy task. In one of my first upper-level Ancient History classes, the students were the smart, nerdy-type (nerdy-type people are awesome…just look at the success of The Big Bang Theory if you don’t believe me – everyone loves a good nerd). Star Wars &/or Star Trek were very high on their lists. We were studying Medieval Times, and during a discussion on Viking culture, I felt my students just weren’t fully grasping the value placed on combat. In an effort to better relate Viking ideas to something they understood, I said, “Vikings were like the Klingons.” Lightbulbs came on above heads all over the room. Students sat up straight in their desks. Eureka! The discussion was on!
In my Sunday school class, I had a similar situation take place but I wasn’t able to follow through and explain further.
I’m not a teacher with a classroom anymore, but it still bothers me when someone seems confused. We are studying the book of Esther. A young lady in my class, Mandi, asked if anyone thought God has a “Plan B” (considering how many times in Esther you see the hand of God moving people and situations into place to see His will be done). Mordecai even states that if Esther doesn’t come forward to help, God will send deliverance for His people from somewhere else, (Esther 4:14). Mordecai can say that with assurance because God promised in the covenant He made with Abraham to do so, (Genesis 12:1-3). I answered quickly, “Yes, God has a Plan B. If Queen Vashti had not disobeyed King Xerxes and been set aside, God would still have made a way. Man has free will.” Mandi responded, “Plan B?” “Yeah, we have free will,” I finished. However, I could see that Mandi was a bit puzzled about my comment, and I didn’t have the chance to finish my thoughts as the conversation in the room moved on.
Sometimes It Doesn’t Make Sense
Let me just start by saying, understanding how man’s free will and the omniscience of God work together is a concept humans have been struggling to comprehend for centuries. In no way am I ignorant enough to think I can end the struggle, perhaps only remind people there are many things we do not understand, will never understand, can’t understand, and weren’t meant to understand.
God’s ways are NOT our ways; His thoughts are NOT our thoughts; His ways and thoughts are much higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8).
Scripture must be our guide always, especially when we face something we don’t fully understand.
Do not go beyond what is written, (1 Corinthians 4:6).
Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar, (Proverbs 30:5-6).
You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, (Deuteronomy 4:2).
The effort to understand this duality is a driving force for many still today. We are curious in nature. We want to understand things. Because this issue can’t be resolved neatly with a Scripture providing a clear picture, man decides to pick a side – a “school of thought” that best suits him.
Just do your own little Google search on the subject and you’ll find yourself knee-deep in the Calvinist-Arminian (no I didn’t spell that wrong) debate over the subject, not to mention countless other philosophers, theologians, bloggers, etc throwing their 2 cents in.
I know what you’re thinking…”aren’t YOU doing the same thing?”
I’ll admit that in a way I am. But, I started out this article in a very different direction, and somewhere along the way, I changed my mind.
I was going to expound upon the various places in Scripture where it’s clear that God has foreknowledge, and places where it seems questionable, places where man is clearly given free will, and what all this means in God’s plan and our ability/inability to effect it. Present a sound argument, back my findings up with Scripture, wrap it up in a bow, and come off looking pretty snazzy in the process.
Well, not today people. Not any day.
I never want to do this for self promotion or acclaim. This is about glorifying God.
Know why I changed my mind about the direction I was going with this article, because I asked God to guide me. I wanted Him to work through me. I wanted to say what He wants me to say.
Now…it may not make sense to you, and it may not make sense to me. But, I’m leaving that big scholarly chunk out of this one. So…here’s Plan B.
Plan B
What I was trying to get across in Sunday school, Mandi – and everyone else, is that God’s Plan B IS His Plan A. He is God.
“…according to the plan of the one who works out everything in agreement with the purpose of his will,” (Ephesians 1:11).
Man’s free will never thwarts God’s plan. God is sovereign over all.
Man freely chooses a lot of things, and our choices are not without consequence. Man even goes to Hell of his own free will. Salvation is a gift offered to you. YOU are the one who chooses whether to accept it or not.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord, (Romans 6:23).
If you don’t believe man has a choice, ponder this: man will be judged. How can I be judged for something that was not my choice?
God want us to understand that His ways are best. He wants us to have a heart for Him, understand the depths of His love, and show that love to one another. This is our choice.
Christians have the Holy Spirit to guide them in making decisions that are in alignment with God, but Christians do sometimes choose not to listen.
“What if” You’ve Lost Your Focus?
Can we ever fully understand how the sovereignty of God and the will of man coexist?
Will you ever stop wondering what if Judas hadn’t betrayed Jesus? Could he have chosen a different path? Would Jesus have been arrested?
What if Eve took that serpent in her hand like a whip and slapped his sorry head against a rock?
What if Joseph wore a leather vest instead of a coat of many colors?
No, I don’t think we can ever fully understand how the sovereignty of God and the will of man coexist. That is very much a Divine idea, created by the Creator, implemented by Him for His own will and purposes. This is one of those areas where our humanity prevents full understanding. This is one of those areas where we must have faith.
To lose ourselves in questions and debates of this nature is placing the focus on the wrong thing…the question or debate.
You can easily get lost chasing your tail, and sometimes that chase – even after Biblical ideas – is being led by Satan. He’d much rather you get lost in such a chase than regain your focus.
Turn your eyes to Jesus.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own understanding, (Proverbs 3:5).
Let’s take what just happened with me and the direction I began with this article. The Spirit laid it on my heart to approach it in another way, I don’t necessarily understand why, but I chose to listen.
I pray without using any Klingons or Vikings, some lights have come on somewhere anyway.
His will be done.
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So well said!!
Thank you! God bless!