You may have been in a store sometime in the last few days, or seen a story on the news, and discovered that there’s a shortage in toilet paper. Amid the outbreak of the latest Coronavirus incarnation, COVID 19, a public panic over toilet paper found fertile ground in social media and has since spread faster than the virus itself. The shelves are empty everywhere. People have been seen in big box stores with mountains of toilet paper in their carts. The more pictures and stories showed up on social media, the more shoppers rushed to the stores to stock up on toilet paper. Fueled by fear, people fight each other over the last package.
One thing I think is for sure…Satan loves toilet paper.
Toilet paper isn’t the only item people are stockpiling or hoarding. I don’t even want to talk about hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes – which actually make some sense. My husband ventured out to get some coffee and a gallon of milk – we were out of both. The small store in our rural county was brimming with customers. While he waited his turn to get the milk, he overheard the older couple in front of him discussing how much they should get. Their cart already boasted many large pork roasts. The older couple decided on six gallons of milk. Now, I don’t know, maybe they run an orphanage or a kitten rescue, but for purposes of this article – let’s pretend they don’t.
Please believe me, in no way do I make light of the very real threat of COVID 19 to certain members of the population. People have died. Others will, no doubt. It’s undetectable in the early stages, yet can still be spread, and there is no cure, treatment, or vaccination at this time. I understand the situation completely.
What I see happening in this country – the reaction many people are having…is very disturbing to me. This is the real crisis.
People are behaving irrationally, totally controlled by fear and a lack of concern for others. Now I’m not talking about smart, precautionary measures like washing your hands or social distancing. Good medical advice should be followed, but buying excessive amounts of bulk toilet paper is a bit much. And just where can the average person keep six gallons of milk? Not to mention, it will expire.
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind,” 2 Timothy 1:7.
On the surface, it looks like many people’s first reaction in the face of this crisis and uncertainty was to think of themselves. It could be that people are buying all this toilet paper to give to others in need. If you’ve acquired an abundance of things in the last few days, I pray you think about other people you can be a blessing to.
“Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others,” Philippians 2:3-4.
Jesus did not seek to shield only Himself or make only Himself more comfortable during His time of trouble. He did not think only of Himself. He thought of you.
Let us be of sound mind and not react irrationally from fear. Even while using precautionary measures, let us think of others. There is no better time than now for you to be like Jesus.
Earnestly pray for each other and for those working closely with patients and seeking cures. Remember to thank God for His many blessings and ask Him to show you ways that you can be a light for Him now during these dark days.
May God have mercy on us all.

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Have been wondering where you have been. Glad to get another of your insightful messages…
Thank you Pat! Lots of curves in my path lately. God is teaching me something. I’m very blessed.