Little did I know the blessings God had in store for me when I decided to rejoin the workforce about two years ago. Oh, I knew full well His Divine intervention is what placed me here, although it seemed unlikely to me that I would be much good to my colleagues, not to mention how I could glorify God in this new line of work. That was all I wanted to do though – glorify God and in some way be a blessing to those I work with. Odds felt pretty slim Broadcast News would be the place the Lord would need me.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Doubt has crept in more than once. Sometimes finding it difficult to see the value of what I was doing – Kingdom value – I worried that perhaps I wasn’t being obedient. Maybe I had just settled and this really wasn’t where God wanted me. Each time I felt this way, I went right back to the beginning of this journey and how His hand had guided every step.
Now, I wasn’t concerned about serving the Lord or whether or not people see Jesus in me because I was trying to earn bonus points with God somehow. First of all…it doesn’t work like that. Second, this really is who I am. Over the last several years, my relationship with the Lord has grown and truly evolved. He has changed me…IS changing me. My heart desires to be close to Him. One thing I’ve realized – I have so much love in me it’s overflowing. I LOVE PEOPLE. Total strangers. Even people I don’t like. Just LOVE LOVE LOVE. This kind of love only comes from the Lord.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
Very soon after I accepted the position in Broadcast News, I saw blessings all around me. God put people in my life who are tremendous blessings to me. I already had some pretty wonderful folks around me, but now it’s like totally unfair to the rest of the world. Sorry, world.
God blessed me with many good and caring people at work. One such blessing is a man named Oscar. Oscar is a man of faith, he loves the Lord, and he couldn’t hide it if he tried. While I enjoy our friendship very much, it is our spiritual kinship that is so special to me. During some very difficult times, our fellowship has strengthened me. I’m so thankful to have a squadron of prayer warriors in the workplace to call on, and I feel so blessed to be given the opportunity to bring their requests and needs before the Lord.
Oscar has been in the hospital recently – a much longer stay than originally planned. The road to recovery will have a few curves in it. But Oscar knows where his blessings come from, and if I know him at all, I know he seized some of that time in the hospital to be a light for someone else. Being a benefactor myself of Oscar’s walk with the Lord has helped me see how important it is everyday to live in a way that reflects our Savior. Not for vain glory or in hopes of earning something, but because I am transformed into a new creation, 2 Corinthians 5:17.
God doesn’t make mistakes and He doesn’t take vacations. Remember that when you find yourself wondering how your circumstance can glorify God or whether you’re following the path He planned. God is at work, always. He wants to use you right where you are to do His good work. There is Kingdom value in EVERYTHING we do.
Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
Proverbs 16:3
and he will establish your plans.
Even in the most difficult circumstances – I assure you – it’s not about you. It’s about God. You are the vessel He’s using to accomplish His work.
Being able to see that clearly and understand it comes with spiritual maturity.
Paul understood.
I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know both how to have a little, and I know how to have a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content—whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:11-13
Paul suffered all manner of things. He saw every situation as an opportunity to show someone the love of God. When he was thrown in prison, he witnessed to the guards and other prisoners without even speaking directly to all of them, Acts 16:25-34. How was Paul able to do this – spread the Gospel without talking to people? Paul embodied the love of Christ and it showed in his actions and words. Despite his terrible situation, he sang praises to the Lord and worshiped Him. This unbelievable joy Paul had was a testimony to everyone in that prison along with his righteous behavior. Because of it, Paul was able to lead people to the One who changed him.
You see, it really is the little, everyday things that count the most. The people you work with, friends, family, and sometimes even strangers all know if you are genuine. If you’re real.
I greatly rejoice in the Lord,
Isaiah 61:10
I exult in my God;
for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation
and wrapped me in a robe of righteousness,
as a groom wears a turban
and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
Every day I wear His precious garments. I choose whether or not others can see how beautiful they are with every word I speak, reaction I have, and attitude I display. I can bring glory to His name while I’m in pain, running late because my 3-year-old refuses to wear clothes, performing my tasks at work, or listening to a friend explain the difficulties they are facing. I can bring glory to His name in any circumstance.
The person next to you now is the one you can be a blessing to today.
God wants to use you right where you are.
Look around. Do His good work.

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- God Bless you!
Welcome back! You were missed. God bless your ministry.
Thank you so much. It’s been a rough year, but God is good.
I’m so glad you’re back! I’ve missed you and the blessings I receive with every written word you write. God uses you beautiful girl. Keep on keeping on ♥️♥️
Thank you so much, Shawnna. Love you!
Such a blessing to see how God has worked in your life over the years. I love and miss you, Hanks! On another note, that grandbaby is absolutely beautiful! I bet you and Daryll are over the moon.
Thank you Carol! Miss you too. Darryl & I are in another galaxy altogether. Such a blessing. In fact I wrote most of this post while I was up with that little papoose from 11:30pm – 6:00am!