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He begat her, she begat He

28 generations Abraham to our King

Honorable soul, worthy indeed

Chosen by God, a prophecy to read


A promise fulfilled, a promise foretold

A prophecy kept in the stories of old

An angel appears in a worthy man’s dream

Do not fear what this woman brings


For the prophets have told our King will arrive

Through a virgin birth, welcome this child

Welcome he did, fears laid to rest

Marrying her, passing the test


Laying not with her till the child was born

Foregoing ridicule, mockery, scorn

Trusting prophecy, and an angel sent

Trusting our Savior’s approaching decent


Perfectly recorded, told so well

“God with us,” Emmanuel

by Darryl Hanks


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A Mother’s Story

I suppose you can read all the books you want about motherhood, or in today’s world, look it all up on your phone, but there’s nothing that fully prepares you for what it will be like. Sure, you can get all kinds of ideas and suggestions on all the “technical” stuff like the best sleeping habits for your baby, swaddling, when you should introduce food, etc. There’s a lot of advice out there when it comes to all those things. Some of it’s really good, and some of it’s not.

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Truth Matters

For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Proverbs 2:6

I wish I had it all figured out. Well, I don’t. Some of you may think I just have all my ducks in a row, but most days I can’t even find my ducks much less get them to line up. My life is just like everyone else’s. I’m just doing the best I can do, and apparently, it takes me a long time to learn and understand things.

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A Journey for Life

I was probably the worst teenager in the world.

Well, maybe not in the whole world – but possibly in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma. At least that’s how I feel sometimes now looking back. I was selfish in my actions, naive, stubborn, and had a rebellious streak a mile wide. Oh, how I did NOT like to be told what to do. I wanted to do what I wanted to do. More than anything, I just wanted to be treated like an adult, make my own decisions, and be on my own.

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Jesus Lives!

Easter, or Resurrection Day – whichever you prefer – is upon us. The time when we celebrate our Risen Savior, remember what He did for us, and reflect on His sacrifice and what it means to the world.

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