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The Promise

Christmas is merry indeed. It’s the season the world remembers and celebrates the birth of Christ. The fulfillment of God’s promise to His people to make a new covenant with them. Jesus is the new covenant.

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Jesus Lives!

Easter, or Resurrection Day – whichever you prefer – is upon us. The time when we celebrate our Risen Savior, remember what He did for us, and reflect on His sacrifice and what it means to the world.

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Finding Peace Amidst Chaos

Several years ago, there was a series on TV called, Lost. In the first episode, a plane crashed on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. It was chaos. Jagged, twisted parts of the plane strewn all around, some burning. Survivors were in different stages of just experiencing a traumatic event. As the scene expanded, and you could see people struggling to get to their feet, helping others, looking for their friends and loved ones, running, etc., there was one lady sitting alone calmly in the sand painting her fingernails.

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Does God Exist?

I’ve been wanting to write about this for some time now, however, I must wait on the Lord. He lets me know when it’s time for me to write and what He wants me to write about. I find when I have something I want to write and I just can’t seem to do it, it’s because He has something He wants to show me. So, I wait.

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Who God Says He Is

Sometimes in life, we experience the fallout that happens when we discover that someone isn’t who they said they were. The disappointment we feel can be really painful, and even cause us to never look at people the same way as before.

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Who are You?

A few years ago, a Bible study I did with a group from church really made me evaluate what I thought about God. I mean, I knew He was God, and He created everything, and He saved me, and all the things most Christians know. But…it made me think about what it truly means to believe God is who He says He is. This tied right in with whether or not I live in a way that expresses my belief.

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When the World Changed

It was March 11, 2020 when the world changed.

That was the day a basketball game made the coronavirus pandemic real.

The Utah Jazz were in Oklahoma City getting ready to play the Thunder in a regular season game. The game never even started. Players were on the court, and tip-off was about to take place. Both teams went back into their locker rooms and the crowd was told the game had been postponed and asked to leave in an orderly fashion. We found out afterwards, it had been discovered that one of the Jazz players tested positive for the virus. About an hour and a half later, the NBA suspended the rest of the season.

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“Plan B” is “Plan A”

Turn On the Lights

As a high school history teacher, it was of utmost importance to me that my students understood what I was talking about. Sometimes, presenting a clear picture of certain aspects – like culture – from a time long ago and in a completely different part of the world wasn’t always an easy task. In one of my first upper-level Ancient History classes, the students were the smart, nerdy-type (nerdy-type people are awesome…just look at the success of The Big Bang Theory if you don’t believe me – everyone loves a good nerd). Star Wars &/or Star Trek were very high on their lists. Continue reading “Plan B” is “Plan A”

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The Fullness of His Grace

When my son began to talk, he mispronounced many words and struggled to make certain sounds.  Not out of the ordinary for a baby, and it was sweetly reminiscent of my little sister, Mary, who spoke with a slight lisp and chewed her words when she spoke in a way that mesmerized all she met.  Mary’s little lisp was cute and captivating when she was a child, and she eventually grew out of it (for the most part – I can still hear it when she is really tired).

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The Book

It’s been given to us

A book that’s passed on

Family to family

Father to Son

From the Son to the world

Though the world rejects

The Truth of this book

Is a Truth that reflects


Beginning and end

Love and hate

Repentance of sin

Humanity argues

Vanity strong

Hating each other

Passionately wrong

Admit you’re a sinner

Strangely you’ll see

That Satan’s as clever

As clever can be

But God does not lie,

Deceive or pretend

This book has been given

To glorify Him.

Darryl Hanks

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