In 1987, a little movie called, Date With An Angel, came out. It was a silly romantic comedy starring Michael E. Knight (of All My Children fame), Phoebe Cates (of Fast Times at Ridgemont High fame), and the not-quite-as-famous, Emmanuelle Beart as the angel. It was no huge hit. It only gets 5.8 stars out of 10 on IMDB. If you haven’t seen it, you should. It’s funny and sweet, and oddly enough, one of my favorite movies. I can quote many lines from this movie even though I haven’t seen it for years. (After writing this, I am going to find it and watch it again though!) For all the movies silly little antics and scenarios, there is a scene at the end of the movie that I just love. The angel comes to escort Michael E. Knight’s character to heaven when he dies. It’s actually a beautifully depicted scene. I will never forget the first time I saw it. I got tears in my eyes. It was quite a surprise to have such a poignant moment in this funny little movie, and it was pretty close to how I had always imagined that moment to be like. Continue reading Date With An Angel