So the great dragon was thrown out—the ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the one who deceives the whole world.
Revelation 12:9
So the great dragon was thrown out—the ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the one who deceives the whole world.
Revelation 12:9
I have been to Europe many times – mostly as a teacher leading students and adults on educational tours. As a history teacher, nerd, travel junkie, and yes…a glutton for punishment, this is just my kind of thing!
Continue reading Where’s Your Passport?We lived in southwest Missouri for about 20 years. The original store of a large outdoor retail chain was less than a 2 hour drive from our house. Being outdoor enthusiasts, we went there many times. It is not just a store where you can purchase fishing lures, it’s a tourist attraction full of large aquariums, over-the-top décor, weaponry collections, restaurants, etc. When they opened their wildlife conservation center and aquarium (much bigger than the ones they have inside the main store) we decided to take the kids up and check it out. Continue reading Where the Wild Things Are
Many people would consider a day like this, dreary, depressing, or even scary. I find it beautiful and fascinating. When the clouds lower themselves to be in among us, it’s ethereal. The bible gives us many instances where God has dwelt among His people via cloud. Continue reading This Foggy Morning